Rhoades—Undeniable Tropes: RhoadesLoneliness. The pain doesn’t simply go away with time. It’s been years, and they tell me I need to move on. But I can’t. Blame and regret are my constant companions. Until I see him in the spotlight and everything changes. Night after...
His Uptown Guy
His Uptown Guy Tropes: When Jesse Grace-Martin loses his father on 9/11, his charmed life is gone forever. People look menacing, and the streets no longer seem safe. After experiencing a brutal mugging, Jesse retreats to his apartment in the landmark Dakota building....
Footsteps of the Past
Footsteps of the Past Tropes: It was like in the movies: their eyes met from across the room and they fell in love.Nine years later, Chess and André are the envy of all their friends.But this is real life….and things are never what they seem. Still waters run deep—the...
Fall for You
Fall for You Tropes: Carson Ballard isn’t only lactose intolerant—he’s intolerable. No wonder his assistant quit on him without notice.Okay, okay, he has a right to be angry at me for dumping an armful of sticky breakfast plates on his head. It was an accident, I...