A Walk Through Fire Tropes: Years after running away from an abusive foster family, Asher Davis still struggles with the guilt of leaving his foster brothers behind. He’s climbed to unimaginable heights as a ruthless, high-powered attorney, creating a life of power...
After the Fire Tropes: A single bullet destroyed the dreams of Dr. Jordan Peterson. With his lover dead, Jordan descends into an endless spiral of self-destruction that nearly costs him his friends, his career, and his life. When Jordan finds himself working closely...
Embrace the Fire Tropes: Brandon Gilbert has spent years in hiding, but finally he’s accomplished his dream of working as a public school teacher. When offered the chance to help bullied children, there was no way he could say no. Not to mention that meeting Dr. Tash...
Beyond the Surface Tropes: When Julian’s world takes an unexpected turn, it’s Nick who helps him regain perspective on what matters most in life. On 9/11, firefighter Nick Fletcher’s world changed forever. He’s unable to rid himself of survivor’s guilt, made worse by...
Second to None Tropes: Flirting with the customers for tips is easy, but resisting the dark and sexy Marcus is becoming harder to do with each passing day. Nightclub owner Marcus Feldman never met a man he didn’t love, at least for the night. Although his best friends...
The Arrangement Tropes: It wasn’t supposed to get personal…until it did. Carter Haywood lives for the weekends—specifically the one weekend every month when he escapes real life, with all the pressures of work and caring for his special needs brother, to...
All or Nothing Tropes: Rules are made to be broken… A past he couldn’t forget Adam Barton is living his dream of working as a firefighter in his small Texas town, but a tragedy from his youth continues to haunt him. He decides New York City is the perfect place...
James—Uncontrollable Tropes: It’s time to travel with James and Malcolm through their twenty year history as they battle each other and struggle to hold on to a lifetime of secrets. James Never good enough.Not the real son.I will prove him wrong—prove everyone...